Climate Change and Transformations of Energy Systems in Canada

Systems Conversation with Oskar Sigvaldason, Chairman of Synexus Global Inc.

On the approach and methodology being used in Canada for defining long-term “pathways” and associated strategies, for transforming energy systems, in response to expanding needs of a growing Canadian economy, and for meeting increasingly stringent GHG mitigation targets. This includes 30 percent reduction in emissions by 2030, relative to 2005, as per the Paris Accord (2015), and 80 percent reduction as per the strategic plan presented at the subsequent COP 22 (2016) meeting in Marrakech. The approach and methodology is based on deriving minimum cost solutions for all of Canada, for the cumulative period to 2050, with complementing use of two mathematical models. Canada is represented by its 13 interconnected provincial and territorial jurisdictions, and with linkages to jurisdictions outside Canada, including the United States. The models include the Canadian portion of the North America TIMES Energy optimization model (NATEM-Canada) and the Canadian Energy Systems simulation model (CanESS). The methodology for the NATEM model is based on TIMES/ MARKAL formulation, with development and use of coordinated globally by the International Energy Agency through its Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program (IEA-ETSAP).